Intellectual Property and Technology
Trade Secrets
Antitrust and Competition
International Law
Arbitration |
Portuguese, Spanish and English |
Federal District |
S.J.D, Candidate, American University – Washington College of Law, Expected 2008
LL.M, American University – Washington College of Law, 1997
LL.B (JD), UniCEUB, 1995. |
The Copyright Society of the USA
Inter-American Bar Association
ABCI Institute - Brazilian International Trade Scholars
Brazilian Copyright Law Association (ABDA)
Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property (ABPI)
Brazilian Industrial Property Agent’s Association (ABAPI)
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) |
Professor of Law of the Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (2003- ); Professor of Copyright Law of the Centro Universitário de Brasília, College of Juridical and Social Sciences (1998-2005); Member of UniCEUB´s College of Juridical and Social Sciences Board; Adjunct Professor of Copyright Law of the University of Brasília. (October 2004 and April 2005); Professor of Consumer Law in the MBA Program of the Associação do Ensino Unificado do Distrito Federal (AEUDF)/Instituto de Cooperação Técnica (ICAT)(2000-2001); Professor of International Trade at Catholic University – School of International Affairs (1999-1999) |
Direito de Autor (“Copyright Law”) (Brasília Jurídica, 2004) |
• A Proposta Norte-Americana para as "Obras Órfãs" e as Regras Autorais Internacionais ("The US Proposal for Orphan Works and the International Copyright Law"), in Estudos de Direitos Autorais em Homenagem a Otávio Afonso (Studies in Copyright Law in Tribute to Otávio Afonso) (to be published, RT Publisher, Fall 2006)
• Assombrando o Direito Autoral: Uma perspectiva comparada da relação entre as obras psicografadas e o direito de autor (“Haunting Copyright: a comparative overview of copyright on psychic works”), in Direito da Propriedade Intelectual – Estudos em Homenagem ao Pe. Bruno Jorge Hammes (Intellectual Property Law: Studies in Memory of Bruno Jorge Hammes) (Juruá, 2005) |
• Do outro lado da grande muralha autoral: o uso justo no direito de autor chinês (“On the Other Side of Copyright´s Great Wall: the fair dealing doctrine in Chinese copyright law”) in Revista de Direito Autoral, Year II, Number V, (to be published) August 2006 (Lumen Juris, 2006)
• A Doutrina do “Fair Use” delineada no Direito Autoral Norte-Americano: uma ferramenta para o ponto de equilíbrio entre a rigidez autoral e o interesse público relevante (“The US Fair Use Doctrine: a tool for the balance between the author’s rights and the public interest), in Revista de Direito Autoral, Year II, Number IV, February 2006 (Lumen Juris, 2006)
• Um Breve Ensaio sobre Plágio (“A short essay on plagiarism”), in Revista de Direito Autoral, Year I, Number III, August 2005 (Lumen Juris, 2005)
• A História do Direito de Autor no Ocidente e os Tipos Móveis de Gutenberg (Copyright Law History in the West and Gutenberg’s Movable Type), in Revista de Direito Autoral, Year I, Number II, February 2005 107-153 (Lumen Juris, 2005)
• Concorrência Desleal e Propriedade Intelectual (“Unfair Competition and Intellectual Property”), – UniCEUB’s Law Review – Universitas Jus - College of Juridical and Social Sciences, number 09, July/December 2002, 9-39.
• O Regime de Registro no Brasil (“Copyright Formalities in Brazil: Registration”), – UniCEUB’s Law Review – Universitas Jus - College of Juridical and Social Sciences, number 08, January/June 2002, 75-98.
• Direitos Autorais nas Mídias Digitais (“Copyright and Digital Media”), Brazilian Intellectual Property Association´s Law Review, November/December 2000, Vol. 49, 03-21.
• A Prescrição para Interposição de Ação Civil por Violação ao Direito Autoral na Nova Lei de Direitos Autorais (“The Statute of Limitations regarding Copyright Infringement Actions on the New Copyright Law”) – UniCEUB’s Law Review – Universitas Jus - College of Juridical and Social Sciences, number 05, January/June 2000, 47-76. |
• O BNDES e os Investimentos Estrangeiros no Brasil (The BNDES and the Foreign Investments in Brazil - La BNDES et Les Investissements Étrangers Au Brésil), work registered before the Brazilian National Library – Copyright Office, under number 264.061, Book.473, page 221.
• O Instituto das Patentes e das Marcas no Direito Pátrio e no Direito Comparado (Patents and Trademarks in Brazilian and Comparative Laws) , work registered before the Brazilian National Library – Copyright Office, under number 264.063, Book.473, page 223.
• Arbitragem Comercial Internacional: um estudo comparado (International Commercial Arbitration: a comparative study), work registered before the Brazilian National Library – Copyright Office, under number 264.059, Book.473, page 219. |
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